Colour Therapy Course

Module 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Welcome  
Module 2 Background of Colour
Unit 1 What is Colour Therapy?  
Unit 2 History of Colour  
Unit 3 What are the benefits of Colour Therapy?  
Unit 4 The Colour Spectrum  
Unit 5 End of Module Exam  
Module 3 Colour Theory and Chakras
Unit 1 How does Colour Healing Work?  
Unit 2 Chakras and Colour  
Unit 3 Chakra - Root - Red  
Unit 4 Chakra - Sacral - Orange  
Unit 5 Chakra - Solar Plexus - Yellow  
Unit 6 Chakra - Heart - Green  
Unit 7 Chakra - Throat - Blue  
Unit 8 Chakra - Third Eye - Indigo  
Unit 9 Chakra - Crown - Violet  
Unit 10 Other Colours  
Unit 11 End of Module Exam  
Module 4 Colour Therapy
Unit 1 Client Suitability, Timings and Pricings for Colour Therapy  
Unit 2 Applying Colour to the Body  
Unit 3 Clients Colour  
Unit 4 End of Module Exam  
Module 5 Colour in our Environment
Unit 1 Colour List  
Unit 2 Colour in our Environment and Clothing  
Unit 3 End of Module Exam  
Module 6 Aftercare
Unit 1 Aftercare for Colour Therapy  
Unit 2 End of Module Exam  
Module 7 Completion
Unit 1 Congratulations